
Goals for Fall

So it's the end of August and to my school friends, the end of summer. To a few of my friends the end of an era. -They can be quite dramatic. Everyone is trying to make last minute plans for the weekend. My calendar is starting to look like a Zentangle itself!

I've been feeling down this week, not having a set plan for the future so I created some goals for myself about five minutes ago.

Goals for the fall:

*See the East coast or re-visit the West coast

*Pick fruit, most likely apples and bake a cobbler.

*Take a class on something I know nothing about

*Make President's Club again (Avon sales of $10,100)

*Write a letter to the President

*Have a dinner party

There will be a follow up to this post in the coming months. Now you've seen the plan, I will attempt to stick with it.

"Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it". ~Russel Baker

Did you know August is National Goat Cheese Month?!

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