
Flickr Addict

Today I discovered Flickr. Not in the sense of discovering it existed, but more in the Christopher Columbus sense of realizing potential. There are so many features to this site!! I'm a brand new photographer, but already have many CDs full of pictures.
I've uploaded some this morning.

Tell me what you think.

M.M., you know about The Free Hugs Campaign? you can find so many awesome pictures of it in action.
Try searching for it in tags. I'm pretty new to blogger so I'm still learning how to upload images from URLs.
Here are links to some of my favorite huggers:

And this is a random group I adore
How beautiful, so everyday.

I hope you clicked some of the links. If you didn't go back and do so now. I spent my morning collecting them like stamps or postcards or erasers - did you look at those at least? - And you are going to look at them dang it! Are you still reading? Shouldn't you be clicking?
^^^this way to links^^^

Citrus Li


Welcome to our blog where you will get our unbiased opinions, learn about potentially
life-changing books, movies, ideas, etc. (but then, isn't everything potentially life-changing?), and get to read our purposeful ramblings! We're glad that you are here. When we open up our coffee shop/bookstore/pastry shop/? we hope that you will come there too.
Have a glorious day and enjoy our posts! - ~*m.m.*~

~"You are unrepeatable. There is a magic about you that is all your own..." -D. M. Delinger~


Introductions are for strangers

We thought long and hard about how to start this blog and decided to jump right in.

First, about us.

Citrus is a former waitress, current cashier, future ? with high goals and no roadblocks

M. M. is a former bread baker, current collegiate, future world changer, who believes in chocolate, world peace and herself.

That is all the introduction we have for you. Please check back soon for updates and comment often. Much love, Citrus and M.M.