
So, I haven't changed the color or style of the font I've used in AgEs.  I'm sorry for the monotony (for some reason I couldn't figure out HoW to change it for my three most recent posts).  : (  

Alright Citrus, you inspired me- I now have my own 43 Things!  You can view my list at www.43things.com/person/bttrfly28  This is a really creative site and it really helps a person to get it together and decide what exactly he or she wants to achieve.  I didn't find 43 things to be enough for all of the goals I want to reach, but having only 43 makes it less overwhelming. 

I also recently came up with a list of 100 things that make me happy (I chose that as a goal for one of my 43 things) and a list of some of the best times of my life.  I figure that I can refer to these lists to decide on (a) college major(s), a career, get ideas to implement into my life (to better enjoy life), and can use them at difficult times to help keep me going.  I would definitely recommend making up your own lists on the aforementioned subjects!

Half of the time I feel as though I am just waiting (for WhAt though I have NO idea) for my life to start.  I had read or heard that opinion expressed by someone else, years ago, and probably only realized recently that I feel that too.  I want to be done waiting...I just have to figure out how to shake that mindset.

Hmmm, when Citrus and I first started this blog we figured we would create a monstrously huge blog.  Well, I think it's safe to say that that hasn't happened yet!... However, we do keep coming back to it (even if it takes a while)!  Who knows? - Maybe someday this will be gloriously long.  Until that time though, dear-possibly-non-existent-reader, keep being patient with us.

I would like to take this paragraph to recommend some things to y'all (there are some words and phrases that I adore, and will probably continue to adore, no matter how much I get teased about them).  I don't believe that a person should live his or her life without experiencing...
   *Watching "Dead Poet's Society"  *Reading "Anne of Green Gables"  *Having a midnight phone call  *Seeing the show "The Phantom of the Opera"  *Traveling (I could recommend about a million favorite/absolute must-see places of mine! : ))  *Dancing, rolling down a driveway, and singing in the rain  *Riding the Millennium Force, Top Thrill Dragster, and/or another roller coaster that, before the ride, terrifies you  *Watching a sunset  *Watching a sunrise  *Seeing the show "Wicked"  *Taking a drive in a pretty area by yourself while listening to music you love and singing along loudly  *Pulling an all-nighter with (a) friend(s)  *Riding horses (and not just on a ride at some fair or on a "we'll only be walking our horses"-trail-ride)  *Screaming at the top of your lungs for the exhilaration  *Having a shamrock shake on St. Pattie's Day (the fact that they are green and fun is so distracting that I'm not even sure if I enjoy the taste of them)  *Waltzing (even if you don't know how, just trying it is even fun)  *Eating a whole pint of ice cream  *Sleeping outside under the stars  *Volunteering (!!! I can't say enough about it !!!)  *Doing things that scare you  *Smiling often  *Being generous with your hugs  *Truly listening to someone  *Giving flowers to someone  *So, I could really go on and on for a while but I'm going to end this post now before I lose you       ~Seize the day!!   ~*M.M.*~


Fashioning a Life

“...I'd often dreamed off going West to see the country, always vaguely planning and never taking off” - On the Road by Jack Kerouac

That's me right now. Making hundreds of big plans for my future with nothing set in stone.

They say an unwritten goal is a wish.

I must have a million wishes. :) I have 43 written goals:


Some are large, some are small.
They all help me stay focused on my dreams.

One of my best friends spent all of one semester in college and the next 10 years traveling, doing dozens of interesting things.

Granted, he doesn't have the stability of my 9-5 friends. He believes in learning through living. Right now I share that view.

Nothing wrong with school. I'd just hate to spend $$$ only to change my mind. Which, knowing me, I would.

I'm not looking for a career, just life experience.

Plan A4.6 (at the moment) is this:

  • Prepare for travel by saving as much money as I can, research funding to visit Australia, get a passport.
  • Build my Avon business.
  • Live beautifully by being myself.
  • Move to any surrounding state. - My state requires a higher bar tending age than most.
  • Become an online Avon rep, to keep up my business while I'm away.
  • Become certified (to tend bar), gain as much experience as possible.
  • Expand my network to people in state X and Australia.
  • Get a work visa in Australia.
  • Visit Sydney and Melbourne while bar tending for 4 months.
  • (While having an amazing time)

That's it. There still is a lot of room for clarity or even a different plan.

All I know is I'm ready for my adventure of a lifetime!

“We lived out all of our adventures, even the ones we made up” -
Some Postage Due by Rachel Moore

What adventures have you had?

What are your 43 things?