
So, I haven't changed the color or style of the font I've used in AgEs.  I'm sorry for the monotony (for some reason I couldn't figure out HoW to change it for my three most recent posts).  : (  

Alright Citrus, you inspired me- I now have my own 43 Things!  You can view my list at www.43things.com/person/bttrfly28  This is a really creative site and it really helps a person to get it together and decide what exactly he or she wants to achieve.  I didn't find 43 things to be enough for all of the goals I want to reach, but having only 43 makes it less overwhelming. 

I also recently came up with a list of 100 things that make me happy (I chose that as a goal for one of my 43 things) and a list of some of the best times of my life.  I figure that I can refer to these lists to decide on (a) college major(s), a career, get ideas to implement into my life (to better enjoy life), and can use them at difficult times to help keep me going.  I would definitely recommend making up your own lists on the aforementioned subjects!

Half of the time I feel as though I am just waiting (for WhAt though I have NO idea) for my life to start.  I had read or heard that opinion expressed by someone else, years ago, and probably only realized recently that I feel that too.  I want to be done waiting...I just have to figure out how to shake that mindset.

Hmmm, when Citrus and I first started this blog we figured we would create a monstrously huge blog.  Well, I think it's safe to say that that hasn't happened yet!... However, we do keep coming back to it (even if it takes a while)!  Who knows? - Maybe someday this will be gloriously long.  Until that time though, dear-possibly-non-existent-reader, keep being patient with us.

I would like to take this paragraph to recommend some things to y'all (there are some words and phrases that I adore, and will probably continue to adore, no matter how much I get teased about them).  I don't believe that a person should live his or her life without experiencing...
   *Watching "Dead Poet's Society"  *Reading "Anne of Green Gables"  *Having a midnight phone call  *Seeing the show "The Phantom of the Opera"  *Traveling (I could recommend about a million favorite/absolute must-see places of mine! : ))  *Dancing, rolling down a driveway, and singing in the rain  *Riding the Millennium Force, Top Thrill Dragster, and/or another roller coaster that, before the ride, terrifies you  *Watching a sunset  *Watching a sunrise  *Seeing the show "Wicked"  *Taking a drive in a pretty area by yourself while listening to music you love and singing along loudly  *Pulling an all-nighter with (a) friend(s)  *Riding horses (and not just on a ride at some fair or on a "we'll only be walking our horses"-trail-ride)  *Screaming at the top of your lungs for the exhilaration  *Having a shamrock shake on St. Pattie's Day (the fact that they are green and fun is so distracting that I'm not even sure if I enjoy the taste of them)  *Waltzing (even if you don't know how, just trying it is even fun)  *Eating a whole pint of ice cream  *Sleeping outside under the stars  *Volunteering (!!! I can't say enough about it !!!)  *Doing things that scare you  *Smiling often  *Being generous with your hugs  *Truly listening to someone  *Giving flowers to someone  *So, I could really go on and on for a while but I'm going to end this post now before I lose you       ~Seize the day!!   ~*M.M.*~

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