
Games of Pain

Tonight I was watching "How I Met Your Mother, the Slap Bet episode (- best ever!) and was struck (no pun intended) by the number of childhood games that inflict pain.

Slap Bet, Punch Buggy/Slug Bug, Bloody Knuckles, The Circle Game and my childhood favorite Jungle.  For Jungle, kids would line up in a long row, arms flailing and slapping and the victim would walk through to the other side.  Yes it was a game.  Yes that was the whole point.  No I wasn't the only victim! :)  Did you play any others?

I'm starting to think Slap Bet could discourage gambling problems later in life.  See that guy with all the bruises?  Don't bet on him!

1 comment:

Sarah Von Bargen said...

My friends and I played a game we called 'Slap and Tickle' which, I assure you, is not as dirty as it sounds. It mostly consisted of slapping each others legs and then tickling each other. What?!