
I am GrADuAtInG this year! I am so excited and yet am finding it hard to wrap my mind around. At my LAST portfolio review ever (ahh!) I was told something that I found very beneficial and would like to pass on to all of you. I was told that Intention + Mechanism = Results. This means that what your intentions are plus the thing(s) that you do to use them yields results. This next part is hard to grasp, but to get 100% of your results all you need to have is 100% intentions (so, you don't need to have a mechanism in your mind). Therefore, if you don't know how you're going to do something, as long as you are fully intent on doing it you'll get it done. ...I hope that I made sense explaining that. In my case this equation means that, although I don't know WhAt I want to go to college for or what career I want, I DO know what I want to Do with my life which will lead me to be able to do it. *Happy sigh* Isn't that great?!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very cool, indeed! And, also, very true!! Congrats!