
Fashioning a Life

“...I'd often dreamed off going West to see the country, always vaguely planning and never taking off” - On the Road by Jack Kerouac

That's me right now. Making hundreds of big plans for my future with nothing set in stone.

They say an unwritten goal is a wish.

I must have a million wishes. :) I have 43 written goals:


Some are large, some are small.
They all help me stay focused on my dreams.

One of my best friends spent all of one semester in college and the next 10 years traveling, doing dozens of interesting things.

Granted, he doesn't have the stability of my 9-5 friends. He believes in learning through living. Right now I share that view.

Nothing wrong with school. I'd just hate to spend $$$ only to change my mind. Which, knowing me, I would.

I'm not looking for a career, just life experience.

Plan A4.6 (at the moment) is this:

  • Prepare for travel by saving as much money as I can, research funding to visit Australia, get a passport.
  • Build my Avon business.
  • Live beautifully by being myself.
  • Move to any surrounding state. - My state requires a higher bar tending age than most.
  • Become an online Avon rep, to keep up my business while I'm away.
  • Become certified (to tend bar), gain as much experience as possible.
  • Expand my network to people in state X and Australia.
  • Get a work visa in Australia.
  • Visit Sydney and Melbourne while bar tending for 4 months.
  • (While having an amazing time)

That's it. There still is a lot of room for clarity or even a different plan.

All I know is I'm ready for my adventure of a lifetime!

“We lived out all of our adventures, even the ones we made up” -
Some Postage Due by Rachel Moore

What adventures have you had?

What are your 43 things?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! You can doo eeet!