
Just learned that "apon" is a word used solely in fairy tales and the like, it's not to be used in real life. My world will never be the same.

It's SuMmErTiMe!!! I now have this glorious thing called "free time" and will FiNaLLy create a post for this nearly-forgotten blog.

The lightening bugs have commenced their summertime show in our backyard. I love lightening bugs. I received a text the other day letting me know that they were out, in case I hadn't noticed and wanted to go watch them. (Seriously, what did we *do* before cell phones/facebook/e-mails/etc.??) So, I went outside and have come to the conclusion that maybe I'm just not cut out for life. For example, I was outside for quite a while and the only lightening bug I was able to catch was one crawling in the grass. How sad it that? (I came up with the theory that maybe the lightening bugs have gotten smarter over the years and now know to avoid people, but that's likely NoT the case.) I felt that it was symbolic - missed chances, mistakes, evasive dreams. At least I did get to enjoy the beauty of the lightening bugs while I was out there.

My dearest Citrus is out in the big world in far-off California. I miss her. : ( I think that when she ventures off again I may just have to crawl into her suitcase and go along with her.

I'm done with my first year of college! It's weird, exciting, terrifying, wonderful, and empowering. I learned more than I'll be able to put into words for YeArS probably. I had many new experiences even if no one else can understand how certain experiences meant anything significant for me. I miss some parts of college (including the structured life of it all and, of course, many of the people) but I'm torn because I'm also enjoying aspects of being home (including the people, good food, foam soap, free time, and getting to sleep in). I'm still adjusting to being home, probably because I have very little structure in my life right now (didn't realize HoW big of a deal that is!). As the book "I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was" points out, "fewer people get depressed during war than in peacetime" basically because there isn't time to think. : S

This summer I'm visiting with a friend I haven't seen in 7 years, another friend I haven't seen in 2 years, friends I've known for years but whom I hadn't seen much of during the past school year, making new friends, and visiting with friends from college. I love the fact that there are so many types of friends, it adds such a great layer to life!

I'm completely fascinated by the study of communication, by the ways that people can communicate nonverbally, by the fact that we can communicate a message by the clothes we wear and the way we smell... It's amazing! This is something I get all caught up in (learning about communication), and I feel as though this could be the PeRfEcT major... I just don't know what I'll do with it AfTeR college. : / Oh well, I have time. : )

I think that wrinkles can be considered to be a sign of a long life and should be accepted and smiled upon. When I get older and wrinkly, I hope to look upon my wrinkles with fondness. : ) (We'll see if that happens though) Also, shouldn't it be a good thing to state your age no matter HoW old you are? Like, you can be proud of each year under your belt, and the older you are the prouder you can be. : ) Just some thoughts.

Are you happy? I just watched the movie "Happy-go-Lucky" and really enjoyed it! It was very unusual though, hmm... It gets my seal of approval! *whacks it with a seal-of-approval stamp*

I still find it very strange to write on this blog (couldn't be because I only rarely do this, ohh noo : P). So, I'm getting off now.

Sending summer-scented breezes along with hugs and love,

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