
Goals for Fall

So it's the end of August and to my school friends, the end of summer. To a few of my friends the end of an era. -They can be quite dramatic. Everyone is trying to make last minute plans for the weekend. My calendar is starting to look like a Zentangle itself!

I've been feeling down this week, not having a set plan for the future so I created some goals for myself about five minutes ago.

Goals for the fall:

*See the East coast or re-visit the West coast

*Pick fruit, most likely apples and bake a cobbler.

*Take a class on something I know nothing about

*Make President's Club again (Avon sales of $10,100)

*Write a letter to the President

*Have a dinner party

There will be a follow up to this post in the coming months. Now you've seen the plan, I will attempt to stick with it.

"Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it". ~Russel Baker

Did you know August is National Goat Cheese Month?!



I went to a Zentangle class yesterday. It’s a form of meditation through art. (www.zentangle.com)
You create repetitive patterns and shapes with ink on tiles.

It was a lot of fun!

I kept my mind unfocused and drew whatever happened to be. I was happy with the result but didn’t think to much into it. It had been a rough week and I just drew to take my mind off of that. I thought it was simple but pretty.

I didn’t realize until today what it was about.

One side is filled with boxes, cages and tangles, the other is open, airy and peaceful.

I could reach that open side through any of the holes in the tangles. I just need to stop seeing everything as a two dimensional cage.


Onion Rings

Just typing those words “Onion Rings” made my mouth water.

There is a local drive-in restaurant that makes the most sinfully delicious ones. They are deep-fried in a slightly sweet batter and have the perfect onion/batter ratio. Gosh are they good! I crave them 24/7.

I know you can buy their signature burgers by the case, frozen. I’ve been too afraid to look into buying the onion rings the same way.

Some dwindling moral sense stops me from getting for two orders every time. I would weigh 5000 pounds in no time at all.

Onion rings can be very hit-or-miss.

I have a friend who wouldn’t know good cuisine if it bit him.

Once while dining out at a fast food chain with a group, said friend asked the waitress
“Are these the good onion rings?”
She didn’t know what He meant.

- it was quite obvious to me-

He explained,

“when you bite into it will only a bite of onion come out or will the whole thing slide out in a mess leaving you with an onion size amount of plain fried stuff to eat”.

He took the risk and ordered them.

Sadly they were not “the good kind” and He left the plate untouched after one bite.

Atta boy.


My horoscope


You are lucky enough to be able to find pleasure in whatever you are doing today. In fact, you can turn a boring chore into something that's so much fun, others want to jump in and work with you -- and, of course, this increases your enjoyment level. Ultimately, your day is like a self-fulfilling prophecy; your positive attitude can create the wonderful experience you believe you are having.

Or, as I read it

You are disillusioned enough to fall in love with whatever humdrum thing comes your way. In fact, you are loco enough to convince others it is true. You'll be so thrilled to have suckered them into having fun you'll have even more fun. Ultimately, your day is like a self-fulfilling prophecy; your Julia Child attitude can create a delicious combination of wonderful experiences you actually believe you are having.

I can't stand how I write that I'll be blogging more and then don't write. I also can't stand when people blog about not blogging. So this is me not blogging about not blogging. Henceforth there will be more posts.