
My horoscope


You are lucky enough to be able to find pleasure in whatever you are doing today. In fact, you can turn a boring chore into something that's so much fun, others want to jump in and work with you -- and, of course, this increases your enjoyment level. Ultimately, your day is like a self-fulfilling prophecy; your positive attitude can create the wonderful experience you believe you are having.

Or, as I read it

You are disillusioned enough to fall in love with whatever humdrum thing comes your way. In fact, you are loco enough to convince others it is true. You'll be so thrilled to have suckered them into having fun you'll have even more fun. Ultimately, your day is like a self-fulfilling prophecy; your Julia Child attitude can create a delicious combination of wonderful experiences you actually believe you are having.

I can't stand how I write that I'll be blogging more and then don't write. I also can't stand when people blog about not blogging. So this is me not blogging about not blogging. Henceforth there will be more posts.

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