
Scene kids and trendy times

Tonight I took my little sister to a 'scene' concert.  So many of the kids* (*I was one of the oldest people there) looked alike.  Above is a picture of a kid who could have been there.  
Actually I'm not entirely sure that kid wasn't there... 

There were many girls? with skinny jeans, straightened hair, earrings and bracelets who turned out to be boys!
The -real- girls were so primped they looked like uncomfortable dolls who'd lost their hairbrushes.

I wonder what they will think when they are in their 20s or 30s and look back on these days. 
I remember 90s fashions and laugh at the trends we followed. 
Here are several I bought into

  • Denim Jackets.  Once all the rage, then shunned, now back in fashion.  One of my sister's fiends just inherited mine.  Just goes to show you if you wait long enough, all the fads come back.  My uncle has sported the same 'style' for over 50 years.  Every 5 years or so he's back in fashion!
  • Pacifiers.  Even my Barbie had one!  
  • Mood Rings.  I realize this dates back way before the 90s but they made a pretty strong come back in my day.  Oh shoot, I've already had the "back in my day" days!
  • Giant hair Scrunches, on your wrist, even if your hair was short.
  • Overalls.  Extra points for one strap left hanging.  Extra extra points for a hammer loop.
  • Smiley face everything.  This reminds me of the current trend of peace signs.  M.M. needs a shirt that says "I liked peace before it was cool".
Looking at this list all together and recalling the outfits that went with them I'm wondering why I was allowed out of the house!  The bright side being that everyone else dressed that way too!

What fads/trends do you remember from childhood?


Anonymous said...

How about leg warmers, and day-glo clothing? And, of course, anything relating to Power Rangers was crazy popular at the end of my elementary school years.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your memories! I remember Nehru jackets, love beads, bell bottoms, hip huggers, troll dolls, "the flip" (a hairstyle), anything by Yardley, Dr. Scholl's sandals, sweatshirts with the sleeves & necklines cut out (and wearing sweatshirts inside out) and clogs. So many fads come and go. Fascinating to see how they change.

Unknown said...

Am I the friend who inherited the denim jacket (Emily?) If so i do not have it! this makes me sad inside. and i love your discriptions of scene kids :)

Citrus & M.M. said...

thelordawesome - I didn't know you are a blogger/read my blog. Thank you for commenting! Power Rangers were the best!

Ruth - You really spanned the eras... only kidding, love you Mom!

Emily - Yes! Your jacket is on it's way :D