
A cheerfully fluff-like in nature post

Happy (belated, sorry) Easter everyone! I hope that it was wonderful! If you are reading this post and don't celebrate Easter than I hope your Sunday was great anyway!

I decided that it would be fun to bestow on you all some words of at-least-somewhat-insightful : ) wisdom. *Live with your whole self *Love fully *Only look back on the good or to see what you can learn from the seemingly-bad -- have no regrets *Smile (it is of no cost to you but it could save a life) *Be only as cautious as needed and avoid fear completely (easier said then done : )) *Dance *Laugh *Use forgiveness as your revenge *Give hugs *Sing *"All you need is love" (da da da du du da : )) *"If you can DREAM it, you can DO it."-Walt Disney *"Begin each day as if it were on purpose."-Mary Anne Radmacher *"The greatest mistake you can make is to be afraid of making one."
* Sing as though no one were listening
Dance as though no one were watching
Love as though you’ve never been hurt before
Work as though you don’t need the money
And live as though Heaven were on Earth

-Irish Proverb
And, of course, *eat lots of chocolate! : )

I hope I didn't lose anyone through all of the color changes. : /
Have a beautiful weekend! - ~*M.M.*~

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