
Who knew that ranch dressing had such a high fat content?! I sure didn't!

So, I'm making up for lost time and have decided to post again on here tonight. : )

I love the fact that even if your bedroom is a complete mess, simply making your bed can have a dramatically positive influence on making it appear cleaner. Hence, I have a bed that is all made up... and the rest of my room looks as though a tornado hit (lol, but that fixed-up bed really helps!). : P

I'm not a fan of talking on the phone, but those phone conversations that easily go for over an hour and that address normally-touchy subjects help make a life into a life worth living, in my opinion. They're ThAt amazing! And, of course, those phone calls are thanks to the wonderful people on the other end of the line. Thank you Lord for friends!

So, I'm often told that we don't have to/can't be expected to be positive allll the time. But where is the divide between convincing yourself that you're in a positive mood in order to help things seem more positive (b/c isn't that good sometimes?) and going overboard with that? Hmm, I'll keep trying to figure that out.

I told someone that I liked Michael Jackson better NoW than I did when he was alive. : S Lol, I meant that I knew more of his music now that he's passed on (b/c all the radio stations have been playing his songs) and therefore like him better now that I know more of and can better appreciate his works. It just came out wrong when I tried to say that. : P

I'm trying hard to eat healthier, exercise more, and take better care of myself in other ways as well. It's not as easy as I'd like it to be. : / Whyyy is change so very hard? I guess challenges are good though, keeps things from getting boring.

Today was the first day of July. : ) I love July! Happy (early) Independence Day!

I guess we're all actors and actresses, aren't we? Well, maybe not some of us, and some days I'm highly envious of those people who may not be acting. I'm one of the number of people that hold onto expectations and attempt to live up to them to avoid creating disappointments though, so to some extent I'm acting in order to do that. Dealing with expectations (either my own or other peoples') is about as appealing in my book as dealing with blood tests. Thankfully, life isn't entirely made up of either expectations or blood tests. ; )

Blowing bubble-gum scented kisses your wayyy,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just so you know, this made me smile and
i love you. <3

<3 Emilyy