
Take notes- there will be a short quiz... : )

I'm learning...
*that as long as a person cares about how others are doing, tries to relate to them, and is patient- that person can feel good about how they're doing and the other people will usually appreciate it (or least put up a good front)
*that it truly IS all about attitude, if you smile and give it your all you can convince yourself that it's all good and will eventually feel alright
*that comparing yourself to others is a very, very bad idea and should be completely taken out of our lives
*that life is what YoU make of it. You can't blame others - and that's scary - but you also don't have to rely on others to get your life to be how you want it.
*that the ability to make lists is a treasure to be prized. life is so much easier with lists!
*to focus on the good in life and instead of worrying about the bad figure out how to make the best of it. give up worrying!!- sure, worrying can make a person feel productive but, as hard as this belief is to shake, it really isn't necessary that a person spend time worrying and life will be better w/o it.
*that if you hate yourself, you should never acknowledge that to yourself because it only makes you miserable. instead you should make a list of new habits, deeds, characteristics, etc. to replace the bad ones and immediately follow this up with a list of things that you DoN't want to change about yourself and your life
*that soft cookies must be a gift sent straight down from Heaven
*sometimes it is not so important whether or not you are sweet or kind enough but rather whether you speak up. I have had entirely too many opportunities pass me up because I kept silent. people can't know what you are like unless you speak up!
*whenever you feel the urge to characterize someone in a negative way or jump to an assumption, consider any ideas for OtHeR reasons why that person may have done that/ been like that. you may be getting upset w/o reason.
*it is extremely hard to break bad habits, but it CaN be done. also, it's easier to break a bad habit if you have a good one to replace it w/.
*if you know that you'll regret not doing it, go ahead and do it! and visa versa.
*that some people will be kind to you, seemingly w/o reason, and sometimes you should be cautious but the rest of the time you should be greatful and take note of the fact that there ARE kind people in this world (so peace IS possible!)
*that you should have no regrets because you've learned from them now...well, hopefully...and can now live a better life
This list is for anyone out there reading this to consider, to build off of these items from their own experiences, and to dissagree w/ items for any and all possible reasons! : ) Sending out hugs and love to all of you. ~*MM*~


I hope that you guys are having a wonderful summer!! I am currently away at camp as a camp counselor. I am so excited to be able to have this experience. However, it's extremely different from how I thought that it would be. I'm learning so much about life and about myself. I can't stress enough how important it is to go out and try new things. I don't think that I'll be a camp counselor again but I'm so glad that I signed up for it this time. Have a lovely evening! : )
~*M & M*~


I am GrADuAtInG this year! I am so excited and yet am finding it hard to wrap my mind around. At my LAST portfolio review ever (ahh!) I was told something that I found very beneficial and would like to pass on to all of you. I was told that Intention + Mechanism = Results. This means that what your intentions are plus the thing(s) that you do to use them yields results. This next part is hard to grasp, but to get 100% of your results all you need to have is 100% intentions (so, you don't need to have a mechanism in your mind). Therefore, if you don't know how you're going to do something, as long as you are fully intent on doing it you'll get it done. ...I hope that I made sense explaining that. In my case this equation means that, although I don't know WhAt I want to go to college for or what career I want, I DO know what I want to Do with my life which will lead me to be able to do it. *Happy sigh* Isn't that great?!


Planning ahead, way, way ahead

Dear M. M. and readers,

Welcome to - The Life of Citrus (cliff notes)
Please, relax, make some coffee, chill.

On the bright side news: My car is finally being repaired, which is one of my 43 things. I found someone who will fix it (correctly fix it, no duct tape needed) for parts only (no labor charge) and I am totally thrilled about that!!!

On the inside news: Puppy (my boyfriend) and I have been apart for a few weeks. Which, while it's been very painful, has given me room to branch out. I've spent time with friends I haven't seen, met new friends and had a chance to "date myself". Overall, I think it's been good for our relationship in the long run. Though I've had trouble balancing my needs with his.
It has made me realize how lucky I am to have him and that we both have a long way to go before marriage. Now we are dating again and our relationship seems stronger for it.
We've both set goals for ourselves which means a lot to me.

As for the title of my post,
I'm making a wedding book, filled with everything I want to enjoy. From the motorcycle procession to the open bar with shot glasses made of ice cubes. It will be the party of the year (in whatever year I get married). The shocker: This was Nate's idea. (see "complicated" pg 34 & "freak out" pg 12). Just put that in your pocket for later. That's where I keep it. I can only look at it sometimes. Ooh shiny...

- Citrus


A cheerfully fluff-like in nature post

Happy (belated, sorry) Easter everyone! I hope that it was wonderful! If you are reading this post and don't celebrate Easter than I hope your Sunday was great anyway!

I decided that it would be fun to bestow on you all some words of at-least-somewhat-insightful : ) wisdom. *Live with your whole self *Love fully *Only look back on the good or to see what you can learn from the seemingly-bad -- have no regrets *Smile (it is of no cost to you but it could save a life) *Be only as cautious as needed and avoid fear completely (easier said then done : )) *Dance *Laugh *Use forgiveness as your revenge *Give hugs *Sing *"All you need is love" (da da da du du da : )) *"If you can DREAM it, you can DO it."-Walt Disney *"Begin each day as if it were on purpose."-Mary Anne Radmacher *"The greatest mistake you can make is to be afraid of making one."
* Sing as though no one were listening
Dance as though no one were watching
Love as though you’ve never been hurt before
Work as though you don’t need the money
And live as though Heaven were on Earth

-Irish Proverb
And, of course, *eat lots of chocolate! : )

I hope I didn't lose anyone through all of the color changes. : /
Have a beautiful weekend! - ~*M.M.*~


My week: excuses for not blogging

The perfect imperfection.
That is life
The calculated miscalculation.
That is life
The certain uncertainty.
That is life

((Deep breathes and bongo drums))

This week the temp went from 76(F) to 20(F) overnight. On the beautiful day I went for a hike with Nate and had a bunny bowl of ice cream. On the snowy day, I snuggled a blanket and watched movies. And made coffee, of course. Also made Easter baskets for my family. I found the perfect gifts for both of them! I can't say more, they read this.

For our anniversary (which falls on Easter), I am making a picnic dinner for Nate. We are having grilled steak kabobs with vegetables and a special surprise dessert. Yum!

As M.M probably knows, I'm freaking out. I went to about 30 cooking sites and am still afraid of ruining everything.

I'm almost wishing for more snow so I can postpone and prepare.
A little background:
I cook everything on high and use the smoke alarm as my timer.
Which is why grilling sounds perfect for me.
Open flame, black marks on food? Sounds like my stove top cooking.
And I choose a no-bake dessert - Don't tell Nate.
But I'm still totally freaking out about it.
Maybe he will like a salad instead... :)

-Citrus Li


Flickr Addict

Today I discovered Flickr. Not in the sense of discovering it existed, but more in the Christopher Columbus sense of realizing potential. There are so many features to this site!! I'm a brand new photographer, but already have many CDs full of pictures.
I've uploaded some this morning.

Tell me what you think.

M.M., you know about The Free Hugs Campaign? you can find so many awesome pictures of it in action.
Try searching for it in tags. I'm pretty new to blogger so I'm still learning how to upload images from URLs.
Here are links to some of my favorite huggers:

And this is a random group I adore
How beautiful, so everyday.

I hope you clicked some of the links. If you didn't go back and do so now. I spent my morning collecting them like stamps or postcards or erasers - did you look at those at least? - And you are going to look at them dang it! Are you still reading? Shouldn't you be clicking?
^^^this way to links^^^

Citrus Li


Welcome to our blog where you will get our unbiased opinions, learn about potentially
life-changing books, movies, ideas, etc. (but then, isn't everything potentially life-changing?), and get to read our purposeful ramblings! We're glad that you are here. When we open up our coffee shop/bookstore/pastry shop/? we hope that you will come there too.
Have a glorious day and enjoy our posts! - ~*m.m.*~

~"You are unrepeatable. There is a magic about you that is all your own..." -D. M. Delinger~


Introductions are for strangers

We thought long and hard about how to start this blog and decided to jump right in.

First, about us.

Citrus is a former waitress, current cashier, future ? with high goals and no roadblocks

M. M. is a former bread baker, current collegiate, future world changer, who believes in chocolate, world peace and herself.

That is all the introduction we have for you. Please check back soon for updates and comment often. Much love, Citrus and M.M.