
Free books!

Tonight I went to the library.

Just walking through one aisle, I saw books I'd used for presentations/reports, books I heard about on TV and read, books I'd discussed... 

It was like walking through old friends. 
Old friends who are always there for you. 
Old friends that smell like books.

One reason I love the library is that it's always been important to my life.  In my family, as soon as you could sign your library card, you could have your own.  It was a big deal at age 4/5. :-)

The librarians were wonderful!  My favorite librarian, Miss Linda always knew what I liked and spent time with me to suggest new books and taught me to make origami - which inspired me to read all of their kids origami books.

But Dewey is the kicker.
I absolutely love The Dewey Decimal System, there is something so comforting about knowing that books about coffee are always in the 641.1 section

Tonight I checked out most of the 385 section, a book on time management and one of decluttering your life.  M.M. You will truly understand the way these come together in my life (once you Google what the heck is in the 385s).

Every time I go to the library I use the same method.  I start in new non-fiction to find which areas look interesting.  If I pick up a book from the 745.1s I visit that area next. 
It's the easiest way to browse all of Dewey in a few minutes. 
The only section I always browse is biographies.  I can't get enough of true life stories. 

What is your favorite section?  Your favorite library memory?


Cigarettes Are Not Candy

So awhile back I posted some goals for fall.

One of these is to write a letter to the President.  At the time I didn't know what the letter would be about.  I felt I should write to him because I campaigned for him, voted for him and overall think he's doing a good job.  This week however, I learned of a bill he signed which may become the topic of my letter.

It is a bill signed in June to discourage underage smoking. Link to CNN
I do believe kids should be discouraged from beginning a gross and deadly addiction.
Among other things, such as larger health warnings and lowered nicotine content, the bill bans flavored cigars and cigarettes.  This includes "grape, peach, strawberry, vanilla, honey, clove..."  
Wait cloves?! 
Back to that in a second.

As a teen I tried smoking.  Most of you already know that or won't be that shocked to find out. 

Never once as a kid did I buy, bum or try flavored cigarettes.  I stuck with Camel lights, non menthol. 
And no it wasn't because of the adorable camel on the package - Joe Cool RIP - or the minty taste as we've covered.  I liked 'grown up cigarettes'.

I don't smoke now due to the health risks (namely, I don't want to die) but cloves were my treat of choice, once I became an adult and only occasionally.  At $7 per pack what kids are smoking them??

So my feelings on the matter are that

*the government should back the heck off.  It's none of their business anyway.

*they are targeting the wrong group, as illustrated by my experiences

*Obama is a former smoker himself, he should support this as a personal choice and none of the govenments business.

It's interesting to note Phillip Morris and other cigarette companies are backing this bill.  Lower the nicotine, you might sell more cigarettes.  Plus all the flavored smokers will be looking for a new fix... 
Maybe there is no connection but it seems a little fishy.

What do you think?  Do you disagree with my view? 


I lied.

I lied. 

I didn't scream too much at a concert, I don't have allergies and this isn't just "seasonal". 

I have a cold.

The reason for the lie is threefold.

1. I hate being sick. 
I realize most people dislike it but I downright HATE being sick.  There is no time for this 'resting' junk, there is work to be done!  The only time I've ever called off work I had pneumonia.  Pneumonia.

2. I work with food. 
I am very careful to wash my hands like a surgeon - using the up to the elbows method and holding my arms upright like they do on TV.  I sanitize and try to never touch my face etc.  Personally, I hate being waited on by a sneezing, coughing, waitress.  I wouldn't mind a bluff or two about allergies (as long as she carefully washed her hands etc too).  If it helps you eat in peace, all the better.  You should also know I don't think I'm contagious.  If I were actually radiating say swine flu, I would stay home, don't worry!

3. I'm working to "think myself better". 
If you believe you are well you are well. *ACHOO*. 

In the mean time I'm ODing on vitamin C and echinacea.  The other day I took 4000% of vitamin C.

Yours in health,



Games of Pain

Tonight I was watching "How I Met Your Mother, the Slap Bet episode (- best ever!) and was struck (no pun intended) by the number of childhood games that inflict pain.

Slap Bet, Punch Buggy/Slug Bug, Bloody Knuckles, The Circle Game and my childhood favorite Jungle.  For Jungle, kids would line up in a long row, arms flailing and slapping and the victim would walk through to the other side.  Yes it was a game.  Yes that was the whole point.  No I wasn't the only victim! :)  Did you play any others?

I'm starting to think Slap Bet could discourage gambling problems later in life.  See that guy with all the bruises?  Don't bet on him!


Scene kids and trendy times

Tonight I took my little sister to a 'scene' concert.  So many of the kids* (*I was one of the oldest people there) looked alike.  Above is a picture of a kid who could have been there.  
Actually I'm not entirely sure that kid wasn't there... 

There were many girls? with skinny jeans, straightened hair, earrings and bracelets who turned out to be boys!
The -real- girls were so primped they looked like uncomfortable dolls who'd lost their hairbrushes.

I wonder what they will think when they are in their 20s or 30s and look back on these days. 
I remember 90s fashions and laugh at the trends we followed. 
Here are several I bought into

  • Denim Jackets.  Once all the rage, then shunned, now back in fashion.  One of my sister's fiends just inherited mine.  Just goes to show you if you wait long enough, all the fads come back.  My uncle has sported the same 'style' for over 50 years.  Every 5 years or so he's back in fashion!
  • Pacifiers.  Even my Barbie had one!  
  • Mood Rings.  I realize this dates back way before the 90s but they made a pretty strong come back in my day.  Oh shoot, I've already had the "back in my day" days!
  • Giant hair Scrunches, on your wrist, even if your hair was short.
  • Overalls.  Extra points for one strap left hanging.  Extra extra points for a hammer loop.
  • Smiley face everything.  This reminds me of the current trend of peace signs.  M.M. needs a shirt that says "I liked peace before it was cool".
Looking at this list all together and recalling the outfits that went with them I'm wondering why I was allowed out of the house!  The bright side being that everyone else dressed that way too!

What fads/trends do you remember from childhood?


Things that thrill me this week

First off, I would like to welcome our new readers! M.M. and I (Citrus), are THRILLED to be featured in the link section of www.galadarling.com, one of our favorite blogs. Any of our readers who haven't visited, be sure to check her out, your life will never be the same.

Things that thrill me this week

  • My fabulous new job working on the scenic railroad train! Anyone who knows me will tell you, I love work. Good. Hard. Work. is like oxygen to me. The train is made of hard work, laughter and coffee. Everything I thrive on. Working a 12 hour day there is just heaven. Most of the train workers are volunteers, which means you work with people who love their jobs so much they do it for free. The passengers feel like they are taking a mini-vacation and everyone is in good spirits. Did I mention I love it?

  • Receiving a surprise check from my grandma <3,>

  • Finally committing to getting my tattoo! Tattoo, pictures and story coming soon. As M.M. knows this is something I've talked about for years and the time is finally right. I've had of a photo of the design on my wall for ages and now I can't wait any longer to see it all the time!

  • Figuring out (very last minute) what I REALLY want to give M.M. for her birthday. Her birthday list every year: world peace and a horse. Story of what it was as soon as she receives it. Hint: It's hard to mail horses, or world peace :)

Thanks for reading, expect miracles!



Hurray for Autumn

Autumn, just that word gives me the warm-fuzzies. So much to look forward to.

Top Ten Favorite Fall Things:

The County Fair
hot donuts, samples and giveaways, carnival rides, carnival people, The Ferris wheel after dark, giant vegetable contests, tractor pulls..

being amazing again, especially slow roasted stews

that last all night leading to sunrise watching, so what if I’ve only made it to sunrise a few times

Corn Mazes
when I was in my younger teens two friends of mine got lost in one for hours. This year someone finally explained to me they planned to leave for hours… Ooh

The Seasonal Fresh Fruit/Vegetable Treats
Pumpkin everything, Apple picking, end of season corn

time begins! Go Steelers!

That smell
in the air of everything fantastic and crisp

being amazing again, combined with Hot Cider it’s the ultimate

Candy Corn
I love the way it makes your brain ache and your spit unnaturally viscous

Giant Crunchy Leaves
in brilliant colors and the patterns they make as they fall.


Goals for Fall

So it's the end of August and to my school friends, the end of summer. To a few of my friends the end of an era. -They can be quite dramatic. Everyone is trying to make last minute plans for the weekend. My calendar is starting to look like a Zentangle itself!

I've been feeling down this week, not having a set plan for the future so I created some goals for myself about five minutes ago.

Goals for the fall:

*See the East coast or re-visit the West coast

*Pick fruit, most likely apples and bake a cobbler.

*Take a class on something I know nothing about

*Make President's Club again (Avon sales of $10,100)

*Write a letter to the President

*Have a dinner party

There will be a follow up to this post in the coming months. Now you've seen the plan, I will attempt to stick with it.

"Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it". ~Russel Baker

Did you know August is National Goat Cheese Month?!



I went to a Zentangle class yesterday. It’s a form of meditation through art. (www.zentangle.com)
You create repetitive patterns and shapes with ink on tiles.

It was a lot of fun!

I kept my mind unfocused and drew whatever happened to be. I was happy with the result but didn’t think to much into it. It had been a rough week and I just drew to take my mind off of that. I thought it was simple but pretty.

I didn’t realize until today what it was about.

One side is filled with boxes, cages and tangles, the other is open, airy and peaceful.

I could reach that open side through any of the holes in the tangles. I just need to stop seeing everything as a two dimensional cage.


Onion Rings

Just typing those words “Onion Rings” made my mouth water.

There is a local drive-in restaurant that makes the most sinfully delicious ones. They are deep-fried in a slightly sweet batter and have the perfect onion/batter ratio. Gosh are they good! I crave them 24/7.

I know you can buy their signature burgers by the case, frozen. I’ve been too afraid to look into buying the onion rings the same way.

Some dwindling moral sense stops me from getting for two orders every time. I would weigh 5000 pounds in no time at all.

Onion rings can be very hit-or-miss.

I have a friend who wouldn’t know good cuisine if it bit him.

Once while dining out at a fast food chain with a group, said friend asked the waitress
“Are these the good onion rings?”
She didn’t know what He meant.

- it was quite obvious to me-

He explained,

“when you bite into it will only a bite of onion come out or will the whole thing slide out in a mess leaving you with an onion size amount of plain fried stuff to eat”.

He took the risk and ordered them.

Sadly they were not “the good kind” and He left the plate untouched after one bite.

Atta boy.


My horoscope


You are lucky enough to be able to find pleasure in whatever you are doing today. In fact, you can turn a boring chore into something that's so much fun, others want to jump in and work with you -- and, of course, this increases your enjoyment level. Ultimately, your day is like a self-fulfilling prophecy; your positive attitude can create the wonderful experience you believe you are having.

Or, as I read it

You are disillusioned enough to fall in love with whatever humdrum thing comes your way. In fact, you are loco enough to convince others it is true. You'll be so thrilled to have suckered them into having fun you'll have even more fun. Ultimately, your day is like a self-fulfilling prophecy; your Julia Child attitude can create a delicious combination of wonderful experiences you actually believe you are having.

I can't stand how I write that I'll be blogging more and then don't write. I also can't stand when people blog about not blogging. So this is me not blogging about not blogging. Henceforth there will be more posts.


Craigslist job search, a short story

I'm back from my On The Road adventures! Lots of stories but I'm not sure where to begin so I'll talk about my job search since coming home.

I'm looking for a second job to take up some free time.

I started browsing Craigslist, it was wildly unhelpful.

In the process of sifting through "MODEL$ needed" and "females 18-21-quick ca$h!!!" I stumbled upon egg donation. I thought, what the hell.

Though I shudder at the thought of mini-mes I don't know about running amok in the world, it was too fascinating to avoid.

I read testimonials of happy parents and looked at photos of a doctor in Indian garb kissing babies.

I went so far as to open the PDF form for potential egg donors.
It was a 16 page form of questions like

"What are your personal goals?

Have you achieved any of them?

What were you like as an adolescent?

What's your favorite color?

..Favorite movie?"

16 pages! I could only imagine prospective parents reading 'Silence of the Lambs' and crossing me off the list.

Plus extensive family health and mental questions

In the end, it was "Describe your father's personality" that made me realize I was unqualified.

No way they would want those genes, though I've turned out alright (IMHO).

Back to "Models no exp necessary!! Good $$$$" for me.



Who knew that ranch dressing had such a high fat content?! I sure didn't!

So, I'm making up for lost time and have decided to post again on here tonight. : )

I love the fact that even if your bedroom is a complete mess, simply making your bed can have a dramatically positive influence on making it appear cleaner. Hence, I have a bed that is all made up... and the rest of my room looks as though a tornado hit (lol, but that fixed-up bed really helps!). : P

I'm not a fan of talking on the phone, but those phone conversations that easily go for over an hour and that address normally-touchy subjects help make a life into a life worth living, in my opinion. They're ThAt amazing! And, of course, those phone calls are thanks to the wonderful people on the other end of the line. Thank you Lord for friends!

So, I'm often told that we don't have to/can't be expected to be positive allll the time. But where is the divide between convincing yourself that you're in a positive mood in order to help things seem more positive (b/c isn't that good sometimes?) and going overboard with that? Hmm, I'll keep trying to figure that out.

I told someone that I liked Michael Jackson better NoW than I did when he was alive. : S Lol, I meant that I knew more of his music now that he's passed on (b/c all the radio stations have been playing his songs) and therefore like him better now that I know more of and can better appreciate his works. It just came out wrong when I tried to say that. : P

I'm trying hard to eat healthier, exercise more, and take better care of myself in other ways as well. It's not as easy as I'd like it to be. : / Whyyy is change so very hard? I guess challenges are good though, keeps things from getting boring.

Today was the first day of July. : ) I love July! Happy (early) Independence Day!

I guess we're all actors and actresses, aren't we? Well, maybe not some of us, and some days I'm highly envious of those people who may not be acting. I'm one of the number of people that hold onto expectations and attempt to live up to them to avoid creating disappointments though, so to some extent I'm acting in order to do that. Dealing with expectations (either my own or other peoples') is about as appealing in my book as dealing with blood tests. Thankfully, life isn't entirely made up of either expectations or blood tests. ; )

Blowing bubble-gum scented kisses your wayyy,


Just learned that "apon" is a word used solely in fairy tales and the like, it's not to be used in real life. My world will never be the same.

It's SuMmErTiMe!!! I now have this glorious thing called "free time" and will FiNaLLy create a post for this nearly-forgotten blog.

The lightening bugs have commenced their summertime show in our backyard. I love lightening bugs. I received a text the other day letting me know that they were out, in case I hadn't noticed and wanted to go watch them. (Seriously, what did we *do* before cell phones/facebook/e-mails/etc.??) So, I went outside and have come to the conclusion that maybe I'm just not cut out for life. For example, I was outside for quite a while and the only lightening bug I was able to catch was one crawling in the grass. How sad it that? (I came up with the theory that maybe the lightening bugs have gotten smarter over the years and now know to avoid people, but that's likely NoT the case.) I felt that it was symbolic - missed chances, mistakes, evasive dreams. At least I did get to enjoy the beauty of the lightening bugs while I was out there.

My dearest Citrus is out in the big world in far-off California. I miss her. : ( I think that when she ventures off again I may just have to crawl into her suitcase and go along with her.

I'm done with my first year of college! It's weird, exciting, terrifying, wonderful, and empowering. I learned more than I'll be able to put into words for YeArS probably. I had many new experiences even if no one else can understand how certain experiences meant anything significant for me. I miss some parts of college (including the structured life of it all and, of course, many of the people) but I'm torn because I'm also enjoying aspects of being home (including the people, good food, foam soap, free time, and getting to sleep in). I'm still adjusting to being home, probably because I have very little structure in my life right now (didn't realize HoW big of a deal that is!). As the book "I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was" points out, "fewer people get depressed during war than in peacetime" basically because there isn't time to think. : S

This summer I'm visiting with a friend I haven't seen in 7 years, another friend I haven't seen in 2 years, friends I've known for years but whom I hadn't seen much of during the past school year, making new friends, and visiting with friends from college. I love the fact that there are so many types of friends, it adds such a great layer to life!

I'm completely fascinated by the study of communication, by the ways that people can communicate nonverbally, by the fact that we can communicate a message by the clothes we wear and the way we smell... It's amazing! This is something I get all caught up in (learning about communication), and I feel as though this could be the PeRfEcT major... I just don't know what I'll do with it AfTeR college. : / Oh well, I have time. : )

I think that wrinkles can be considered to be a sign of a long life and should be accepted and smiled upon. When I get older and wrinkly, I hope to look upon my wrinkles with fondness. : ) (We'll see if that happens though) Also, shouldn't it be a good thing to state your age no matter HoW old you are? Like, you can be proud of each year under your belt, and the older you are the prouder you can be. : ) Just some thoughts.

Are you happy? I just watched the movie "Happy-go-Lucky" and really enjoyed it! It was very unusual though, hmm... It gets my seal of approval! *whacks it with a seal-of-approval stamp*

I still find it very strange to write on this blog (couldn't be because I only rarely do this, ohh noo : P). So, I'm getting off now.

Sending summer-scented breezes along with hugs and love,